How Dangerous Is Riding Motorcycle?

How Dangerous Is Riding Motorcycle?

According to the website, an average of 72 motorcycle riders and passengers are killed every year in motorcycle accidents throughout the state. The website also reports more than 1,400 riders and passengers are injured each year. These statistics show that riding a motorcycle is potentially more dangerous than driving a car.


Motorcycles provide less protection than most other vehicles. When you’re on a motorcycle, your body is more exposed than if you were in a car or truck. There’s no seatbelt, doors or steel structure to protect you. Also, having two wheels instead of four makes the vehicle less stable.

The rate at which motorcycle accidents occur is cause for concern. This is because there are fewer motorcyclists on the road, but motorcycles account for a significant number of accidents.

In 2020, there were 82,528 injuries caused by motorcycle accidents in the United States. And according to the National Safety Council, fatalities for motorcycle riders and passengers increased by 8% from 2020 to 2021.


Although there are dangers associated with motorcycles, there are also some benefits. For example, motorcycles usually provide a better view of the road. Driving a motorcycle means there are fewer blind spots than if you were driving a car.

Motorcyclists are also less likely to drive while distracted. It’s practically impossible to do things like eat a hamburger, drink a soda, or apply makeup while driving a motorcycle. Some motorcyclists might engage in these activities while driving, but most motorcyclists pull over or stop driving when they need to do any of these things.

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